Our Story
At Arkeras we believe everyone has a story. Ours begins with
Eleanor. A woman born into an immigrant family whereby clothing established a way for her to fit in, to tap into a sense
of belonging, and ultimately to feel like herself.
At the end of her life, when she could no longer speak, her eyes pleaded for those things that had given her
comfort and dignity throughout her life.
Arkeras was borne of this unmet need—for functional yet beautiful hospital patient gowns for medical appointments, hospital stays and at-home care.
Shop Hospital Patient Gowns Today
Explore our styles of hospital patient gowns for women and men.
We believe in...
Sorrow Inspiring Beauty
Grieving her grandmother, our founder meditated on
Eleanor’s primal desire to express her truth.
Surrounding herself in nature
among natural materials inspired a garment—
one that could meet the special needs of a patient while fulfilling the call for self-expression.
We believe in...
People Making the Difference
Led by the bedrock belief that we are stronger together,
our founder knew that her idea for a thoughtfully designed
hospital gown needed others to bring it to fruition. It is
through her collaborations that the Arkeras
gown is a reality, ready to nurture a journey with empathy.
We believe in...
Rising to the Occasion
With necessity the mother of invention, a hole in the
marketplace revealed itself.
The cure: a high-end gown to help embolden a sense of self during a
hospital stay. And to puzzle piece together its production to
be in harmonious balance with the
needs of this earth.
We believe in...
Healing for a Stronger Truth
Our care is a choice to make life’s milestone moments
better, at any stage, at any age. To bring calm and peace whenever it is needed.
To offer grace during difficult times. To offer beauty all of the time.
We believe in...
Principled Passions
Our story drives us. Our passion is to support yours. To
kindle textured connections of empathy. To connect to each other through lasting moments.
To honor our true selves. And that passion is equal to our defined principles.
The Arkeras gown,
although inspired by Eleanor, it is
Meant for All.
We believe in...
Weaving Textured Moments
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I long, as does every human
being, to be at home
wherever I find myself.
—Maya Angelou
A mind that is stretched by a
new experience can never go back
to its old dimensions.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
Fashion changes,
but style endures.
―Coco Chanel
People who are good to each other
make each other good.
—Jo Coudert
...the most important thing
we ever give each other
is our attention.
—Rachel Naomi Remen
Life shrinks or
expands in proportion
to one’s courage.
—Anaïs Nin
I sleep with my feet on moss
carpets, my branches in
the cotton of the clouds.
—Anaïs Nin
In search of my mother's
garden, I found my own.
—Alice Walker
…and like a leaf of lavender
in a store of linen, so does
memory make life sweet.
—Myrtle Reed
Being deeply loved by
someone gives you
strength, while loving
someone deeply gives
you courage.
—Lao Tzu
A stumbling block to the
pessimist is a stepping-
stone to the optimist.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
The Way is not in the sky;
the Way is in the heart.
—Gautama Buddha
Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean.
—Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Tell me what is it you
plan to do with your one
wild and precious life?
—Mary Oliver
An investment in knowledge
always pays the best interest.
—Benjamin Franklin
Always remember that you
are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
—Margaret Mead
Fashion is neither moral or immoral,
but it is for rebuilding the morale.
—Karl Lagerfeld
The environment is where we all meet;
where all have a mutual interest;
it is the one thing all of us share.
—Lady Bird Johnson
Invisible threads are the strongest ties.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
I am still in progress,
and I hope that
I always will be.
—Michelle Obama
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence
—Paul Simon
Elegance is the only
beauty that never fades.
—Audrey Hepburn
…the place which may
seem like the end may
also be the beginning.
—Ivy Baker Priest
I aspire to grow my imagination
and to strengthen my optimism.
—Dani McClain
Connection is why we're here.
—Brené Brown
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That is why it is called the present.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not afraid of storms,
for I’m learning how to sail my ship.
—Louisa May Alcott
In search of my mother's
garden, I found my own.
—Alice Walker
For there is always light, if only
we’re brave enough to see it. If only
we’re brave enough to be it.
—Amanda Gorman
Nobody has ever measured,
not even poets, how much
the heart can hold.
—Zelda Fitzgerald
If you get tired, learn to rest,
not to quit.
Gratitude is a celebration
we are all invited to.
—Cleo Wade
A mind that is stretched by a
new experience can never go back
to its old dimensions.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
The cure for anything
is salt water: sweat,
tears, or the sea.
—Isak Dinesen